Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Throw me a quick RESPONSE!

Ok everyone, I'm going to use this post as a feeler.  I need to "research my audience" and this blog will work just fine.

I am writing instruction on how to change a flat tire so I need some feedback.

How many of you have successfully changed a car tire, by yourself, and could do it again?  If you have never changed a tire just let me know what level of knowledge you have on the subject. Thanks!


  1. I have never had a flat tire or had to change one myself. I dont think I could do it by myself. Also I would probably call AAA or something like that in order to get it done if it ever happened to me. I would be nervous to not do something right and mess up my car even more.

  2. I have changed a tire several times. When I had my cabinet company, I would get nails in my tires periodically when I would do the installations at the job sites. I got fairly fast at it, however we're not talking NASCAR fast. It's not too hard. I think everyone should be familiar with how to do it.

  3. I agree with Scott, everyone should know how to change a tire. I think the only knowledge you really need to know when changing a tire is that right means tight and left means loose when screwing the lugnuts. The audience could be anyone who owns a car.

  4. I've actually never had a flat tire either, and to be honest if I did I would probably ask someone else to do it. But I definitely think it's useful information and I should probably learn how to do it, just in case the situation comes up. I would probably need detailed instructions, with lots of pictures pointing to particular parts, since I'm not really too knowledgeable about cars. Guess it just depends on your audience how detailed you'll get!

  5. I have changed several flat tires, however, only one was mine. I also rotate the tires on my own car so I like to think I can handle fixing flat tires. I do think that this is a good topic to do instructions on though because I'm sure there are some people who have never changed a flat tire and this is a skill that everyone should know how to do.

  6. I have changed a flat tire a few times. If it happened to me again i am pretty sure I could do it on my own. The only problems I ever face is if the lugnuts are really tight and I am not strong enough to loosen them. i think this is something everyone should know.

    By the way, this is my first comment on your blog. I love your title!
