Wednesday, September 22, 2010


It's nice to be done with the instructions project.  I think it was a good first "project" and allowed us to get an introduction to real technical writing, and also got us away from talking about rhetoric.  I think the class interaction and feedback was beneficial and it definitely allowed me to write to a more appropriate audience.

For our newest assignment, it will be interesting to see how the groups come together.  I have never really had a terrible group experience in the past like some of the other people who spoke up in class.  I think the majority of people come into the group with the attitude that they don't want to be the one that gets on everyone's nerves.  If everyone is willing to put forth effort the group will work out fine.  Even if the group has that over achiever that doesn't really do all the work correctly, the group is still capable of making a good grade because most professors, at least in the English classes I've taken, grade based on effort.  I am actually looking forward to this group project.   


  1. I feel that the instructions project was a good introduction to the basic concepts of technical writing, too. Now that we are all aware of the different types of group members, I am sure that some people will work harder so that they don't fit the description of a "slacker".

  2. I agree. I don't think anyone in our class will be labeled as a slacker basically because everyone is pretty much a senior and getting ready to graduate. I believe that by now everyone has matured enough to where everybody in a group should have equal parts and everybody's part should be done right.

  3. I agree. I have not really had a bad group experience either and I definitely agree that the reason is because no one wants to be "that guy" that isn't doing anything and pissing everyone off.
