Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Self-Organized Mobs

I think we had a pretty interesting talk about the "smart mob" topic on Tuesday, in particular the idea of the self-organized group.  At first I was having trouble grasping the idea that a group could organize with no central "leader" or prominent figure.  If you get very specific, there has to be some catalyst to initiate the formation of a group.  Although there may be a single person behind the initial reason for coming together, the self-organized group differs from a traditional group in that there is not a single person or body committed to leading the group.  The group is formed more by an idea than a person and maintains itself without direction from a central leader.


  1. I agree. There's always a trigger that starts the formation of a group, but it becomes self-organizing because there isn't just one person running the whole thing. The group is maintained by the network of information that forms rather than one or more people specifically coordinating everything.

  2. I agree as well, a group can be started simply based on similiar ideas or feelings as others. I feel like facebook in a way is self organized. I know someone had to start it but I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who have a facebook do not know who started it, and it seem like almost every person with a computer has a facebook now. That seems self organized to me.

  3. This is a very interesting topic. There may in fact be an initial leader of the idea, but once the idea is in the minds of the smart mob, then they all act together without a particular leader of the group. Maybe the idea itself is the leader.
