Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Texting While Driving

This week I read an article on the effects of texting while driving, and since Clemson has recently outlawed texting while driving I figured this would be pretty applicable to us as students.

The objective of the study was to determine the impact of text messaging on simulated driving performance.  40 participants engaged in both driving-only and driving-while-texting scenarios in a driving simulator.  Results showed that texting drivers responded more slowly to brake lights and showed impairments in forward and side-ways control of the vehicle. Text messaging drivers were also involved in more crashes than drivers that were not texting.  The article concludes that texting while driving has a negative effect on driving; even more so than talking on a cell phone while driving.

I think we can all agree that text messaging while driving is more dangerous than paying full attention to the road.  Even though it has been outlawed in the area, how many people still sneak a quick text in their car every once in a while? 


  1. I don't think that there is anyone who can say that they drive just as well while texting as they do when they aren't. At least when talking on a cell phone, you are looking at the road. I have texted while driving, but I don't do it anymore because of a close call I had. If its that important, pull over to to side of the road! You shouldn't endanger others for this reason. It is very important to pay attention while driving, because anything could happen.

  2. I am guilty of texting and driving. I try not to but I catch my self doing it. It used to be that I did a lot more in high school however once I got rear ended by someone who was texting and driving going 55 mph i stopped completly! It has slowly come back as time has passed though. Anyways it is amazing how many people still do it knowing the risks and knowing its against the law. However it seems so hard to enforce. Interested in seeing how things will work over time.

  3. The findings of this study aren't really surprising at all. I never text while driving, probably because I grew up in northern VA where the traffic is always terrible and you must drive defensively if you want to get home in one piece. But I've been in cars with friends who text while driving and it's terrifying because they usually end up swerving all over the road or slamming on the brakes.

  4. I'm not a terrible driver, but I'm not that great so texting while driving is definitely something that I try not to do. I admit, I do it sometimes but I always find myself swerving and just barely avoiding something that could be dangerous. I've known people that have gotten in serious accidents before because of texting, so I think it's a good thing that they have started to outlaw it. It's not surprising to me either that the study found texting to be worse than talking on a cell phone-- just goes to show you that it probably isn't the best thing to multitask while driving a car.
